I figured it couldn't be too hard, so I jumped in with both feet. An ambitious outlook to complete my own lap quilt (8 rows of 12 squares). I gathered up my supplies and got to hooking!

My first attempts were pretty loose and bumpy, but I figured once I got the hang of it, it would be no sweat! The two above each took 3 hours. No exaggeration. How does any grandma find the time for an entire quilt?!
The more I practiced, the quicker the squares came together. Still, I was averaging about 30 minutes per piece, but these things are a labor of love, right? I dragged my yarn bag and hook with me across the country while traveling for work and would hook up a few more squares every day while watching TV in my hotel room.
About 4 months later, I had enough to start assembling! Over the course of the last two weeks, I sewed together all of my squares and last night finished the last one. HUZZAH!
Only... they were still pretty loose and bumpy. I thought that it was acceptable for a beginner's project and since I was keeping it myself I could overlook the bumps. I also was hoping that a hot water wash and hot-hot dryer would help felt it all together.
It did... sorta.

About 30% of my squares started to unravel. I guess I didn't finish all of the squares the same (honestly, I was winging it since I didn't REALLY know what I was doing). Toward the end, I had started tying the loose strings into knots and then weaving in the tails. It seems to have worked. Except for when it didn't.
I wouldn't say it's garbage-worthy just yet. I could still sew together some patches and probably fix a lot of it. But it's going to be MORE WORK. Either that, or the cat just got a new blankie!
I still don't know how grannies for centuries have managed to build these quilts. I have one that was given to me as a gift for my birthday and I marvel at it daily. The consistent stitches! The lovely scalloped edge! The even sewing! So at least I have one beautiful blanket to look at while I'm patching up my own quilt that looks like rats chewed it!

The more I embroider the more I appreciate the work that my Grandmothers did. I mean...holy crap they didn't even have good lights when they were doing most of this stuff and it looks awesome and it's lasted three generations for the love of god. I could never get the hang of crochet work and while I can knit I can't be bothered to count so I never make anything other than a scarf...a plain scarf at that. I think you made a might fine start there lady...I love your color choices. I bet if you gave it another try you'd have a fine piece that would last.
I have always adored grannie square blankets. My grandma made tons, but I never got one. :( Max has one now that papa's mom had made. I'm always favoriting them on Etsy. I want them all over my house!
That's awesome that you made an entire blanket! I think it's beautiful. I'm too scared to try to even make one square.
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